Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stay Active this Fall in the Chugach!

I hiked a portion of Power Line Pass this last weekend and not only are the Fall colors are out there in full force but so are the people! It was great to see the Flat Top parking lot (and new overflow lot) full to the brim with a half dozen cars driving in circles looking for a spot as it is a sign of an active and vibrant populace. As always, every person we came across was friendly and most importantly enjoying themselves as they roamed about nature. The weather, views, and the exercise provided a perfect opportunity for hundreds of people to get in a little activity and frankly, who couldn't use just a little more of that? For those who happened to get out on Sunday, you also were treated to some amazing colors courtesy of our Chugach State Park. Take a look for yourself:

                                                                  Pictured: This isn't a painting by Bob Ross

My wife and I took our dog and his friend on a little day hike down to the bridge and ended up having a great time, but would you believe that it almost never came to be? A few hours prior to the hike my wife and I discussed what we would like to do for the day as we enjoyed brunch at the Torchon Bistro (Note: the food is awesome there!). As we compiled our list of things my wife ventured a hike as possible agenda item. On paper, a hike seems like a lovely idea but it involves a measure of effort not only to get there but also to decide where to hike. I had been dealing with some sore legs courtesy of my hockey season opener a few days earlier and combined with the lofty task of choosing which trail head to drive to, I did not have much motivation for exercise (even though it was something that I needed to do!). Have you had a similar experience? Thankfully, my wife pushed me to do it and I have no problem giving her all the credit for a job well done. The hike was wonderful, it alleviated much of the delayed muscle soreness I was experiencing, and most importantly it was a great way to get exercise and spend time with my family.

The window of opportunity to take little day hikes like Power Line Pass without the bother of ice and snow is rapidly diminishing and I urge you as you struggle with ways to carve out periods of activity in your week to consider one. Motivation in and of itself can be difficult to come by and especially so if you are dealing with a current injury no matter the severity. In some cases a little activity may be just the ticket you need to overcome whatever minor ailment you are having. It can be a good cardiovascular workout, a good strengthening exercise (depending on grade) and it is healthy for the mind. Additionally, most day hikes in and around the Anchorage area are not too difficult and there is accessibility for people of all skill sets. The list of trails in the Chugach Park website has information on trail difficulty and there are also local groups that you can connect with that will hike with you. If you have doubts about your abilities to physically perform a hike, I would love to consult with you to determine your ability and any potential problems that you may have so that we can get you ready. In the meantime, if you are ready today why don't you get out there and have some fun!?!

Dr. Kelly

Pictured: Dog's having fun

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